About us

The World View Institute Limited-WVIL is a not-for-profit organization registered in Zambia with the Patents and Companies Registration Agency (PACRA). WVIL has been incorporated to help people. and nations understand the importance of worldviews and operate only from correct and helpful paradigms because “Ideas have consequences” as Richard M. Weaver, 1948 at the University of Chicago said. 


Our Vision

To Enlighten society with relevant information that can help them to develop a godly worldview.

Our Mission

To significantly contribute to personal and national mindset change through advocacy, education, training and strategic cooperation.

Our Core Value




Our goal

§Teach individuals a comprehensive Biblical worldview of man’s role in the world.

§Societal research on the general world views held by various subcultures.

§Promoting moral and national values.

§Promoting sustainable environmental lifestyles in Zambia.

§Advocacy on Development and good governance.

What we do

We are a not-for-profit organization whose aim is to contribute significantly to personal and national mindset change through advocacy, education, training and strategic cooperation.

Our Vision is to Enlighten society with relevant information that can help them to develop a godly worldview.